how to stay possy t during corry v

Firstly, stop acting like the arseholes you are so insistent on wiping and BUY WHAT YOU NEED.

A little harsh perhaps but I thought of this before I nodded off last night and I wanted a platform to self-quote.

True though, go easy lovers. This is a very peculiar and unprecedented time, let’s not add to the world's anxieties by bulk buying Andrex.

No one knows really what it’s all about, we can watch Bozza on his podium stuttering shy promises about a twelve week turn around and Trump trumpeting on one week about how ‘we pretty much shut it down, we will be fine’....embarrassingly changing tune the next to ‘always’ knowing ‘it was a pandemic.’ Honestly, do these fellas not know they are on camera?

I think the world is holding a big mirror up to us all to say, ‘look at you, you kinda asked for this.’*

*Not the virus per-say, but the implications. 

Brexit for instance – well you asked for it. People certainly can’t get in now can they? And Trumps ‘temporary wall’ has been put up figuratively in the form of an accelerating infection.

Our fast paced, materialistic consumerist society has been subject to something we are unprepared for. Something we can’t simply exchange with a click of a button or a swipe of a screen. Something we can’t cntl, alt, delete. Something we can’t pop a filter on to make it seem better than it is.

Anyway, I am not here to talk politics, it’s not my forte. I am here to -  hopefully -  beyond the elbow bumps, the sleeve sneezes, the Cushelle connoisseurs and the deep confession that I perhaps never used to wash my hands as thoroughly as the NHS comic strip-esque poster instructs, to bring some positives to the corry v situ. 

After all, we cannot have darkness without the light.

Please avoid misunderstanding me here, it is devastating that the death toll is rising as quickly as the uncertainty of it all. Coronavirus isn't something we can google and get all the answers for because it’s all very new. 

Let the precariousness be your fuel!

Now is a time more than ever to look within, clear out the stuff we don't need - in mind and at home. Spend time with the loved ones we are lucky enough to, and send love and good health to those we cannot. 

Let's take a moment to appreciate the emails we are receiving from the CEO's of Sainsburys, Soundcloud and support services, implementing admirable changes and offering advice to help people through. The memes that leave us smiling and remind us that we are all in this together, we are all the same, and we have a fantastic sense of humour.

Throw yourself in to that thing you’ve been putting off for so long. Play that piano, paint the damn living room, ask him/her out for a date (maybe a Facetime one for now...could be good fun though right?) Cook some meals, make soup, plant seeds, detox, de-clutter. Try yoga, meditation, find your hidden talent or re-discover a lost one. Get 8 hours sleep. Have a bath!

Yes, it feels a little more lonely than usual despite us being so connected online. But perhaps take this as another revelation that this is what we have been leading towards. It’s just been sped up, super speed and we can’t simply press pause, skip to the next episode or start from the beginning. 

And if we are honest, it’s not quite the same is it? Watching live posts, (although they are great, Lily Allen and her lover David Harbs being reunited was better than any romcom I ever did see.) I also discovered a reggae track I have never heard before during a live stream and felt that my collection had reached its pinacle. Gosh actually it was so good, I’ve been dancing around the living room in sheer contentedness to it since.

But when this all passes, let us reinstate pre-millenium habits; let's get out more, be amongst nature, order food and train tickets at the counter, let’s go back to visiting friends, going for walks, picking up the phone for a conversation. Let’s go back to being connected physically rather that digitally.

The skies have spread more grey than usual, Spring has sprung but we've not able to appreciate the beauty of it just yet. But Spring will come around again, and so will we. The pre-booked, pre-empted plans, events, holidays festivals, gatherings are placed hold for now. Another reason to start living for the present? Rather than pinning so much on what could be. Because if this is teaching us anything, it is that we don’t know what might happen and we are very much not in control.

We must make a promise to ourselves and each other than we will not revert to poor habits and greedy lifestyles that in my thoughts is part of the reason we are in this pickle.

Stay safe, stay home, wash your hands THOROUGHLY, breathe in love and breathe it back out again.

Chelsea x

Disclaimer: I am not a politician, an expert or a healthcare professional, I just like writing and analysing. Please don’t troll me because I don’t have the mental capacity for that, and I WILL ATTACK YOU WITH LOVE xx


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